3 min readJun 14, 2022

I once believed there was a magic bullet, and this helped one create businesses, dreams, financial bliss, ease, love, and all the things. This magic bullet was “the formula.” It helped us create dreams, and so much more. I read every book, bought every program, and searched endlessly. I truly believed I was missing this “one thing” in my business and in my life to give me that extra edge. That one thing that would be the final piece of the puzzle. That one thing that would be everything line up, and clients come pouring in — opportunities and partnerships would come in avalanches — the freedom would abound and each day would be filled with ease, love, joy, and abundance. Yes, I believed all this, and some of you reading this may have also.

Well, here’s what I learned:

  • There is no one thing! All the things are what propel us on our journeys — the highs and the lows — every moment is a decision to move forward without attachment to the outcome, but in service, love, and fun!
  • Our faith in God and ourselves are paramount! Without faith we remain stuck — I have often wavered in my faith in God, and had no faith in me, none. I only believed when my hype team believed. When they doubted, I married doubt, confusion, embarrassment, comparison, and most of all, FEAR!
  • The journey is not about the dream, it’s truly about the person you become as you align with the dream. Everyone has a dream, but everyone does not have the discipline, persistence, and vision to stay focused on the dream.
  • Each and every thought matters! At this very moment we are experiencing life through the lens of our former thoughts that manifested in physical form. Our thoughts are energy. Before we do anything we think! Yet, I have spent so many precious thoughts wallowing in the past. Yep, thoughts of regret. And I will not even discuss here all the thoughts of lack — lack of worthiness, lack of money — lack of resources — lack of connections — lack — lack — and then even more lack! I was more committed to lack than I was to myself. Just as faith and fear can’t co-exist, neither can lack and abundance, it’s either or, hot or cold, it’s just that simple.
  • I committed to being the version of me who I dreamed of. I got super clear on who the dream version of me is, and how she handles stress, how she moves through the world, how she thinks on a day to day basis.

I fully embraced that there is “no one thing.” But becoming the best version of me whether in business, loving my body, loving myself, or whatever was a matter of choice — choosing the thoughts of her, and fully embracing her. This doesn’t mean going and splurging and spending buckets of money, but rather being her on the inside. Fully enbodying her and saturating my thoughts with the thoughts the upgraded version of me would think. This seems so simple, and easy, right? But the reality is we usually allow our brains to run the show, meaning we think the same thoughts over and over again, and yet, we expect a different outcome.

The magic bullet lies between our ears — it’s thought management. Once we are able to control how we talk to ourselves, and allow lack to permeate through our lives. Whether it be a lack of time, lack of self-love, lack of financial freedom — there is no silver bullet. WE ARE THE MAGIC BULLET!

Here’s an affirmation for you:

  • I am managing my thoughts better and better with each passing day.
  • I am open to believing my thoughts truly matter, and choosing better thoughts.
  • I am the master of my thoughts.
  • I am choosing to improve my thoughts to improve my life (finances, career, relationships).

This doesn’t mean spend all of your time monitoring your thoughts, but have an awareness of your thoughts, and recognize you are SUPER POWERFUL!




My mission is to help others manifest their big dreams. Get my manifesting tips here: