3 min readJul 29, 2022


Have You Decided?

There are so many choices. Do we want Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or to make our own coffee? Are we going to Girls Night Out, or would you rather curl up and read a good book? I have not always shined bright in the decision making process, and have often suffered from “decision dread.” Many a time as I was weighing the option to attend a social event, once I made a decision it was a bit late and I had to miss the event because of indecision.

“Decision dread” is real my friends. For me, making decisons, whether large or small, was rooted in fear. Fear of making the wrong decision, fear of what happens next, fear of what if my decision upsets others, or made them uncomfortable.

The more I began to embrace being my own best friend, and loving me, the easier making decisions became. My indecison was truly a result of years of self-doubt, a lack of confidence in me, and continual pursuit of perfectionism. As I began nurturing me, my self-concept healed, and making decisons became easier.

Lacking confidence is a mindset. Mastering our mindset is truly essential in order to overcome decision dread, or anything else.

  1. FACE THE FEAR — As I began to ask myself, “Will this matter 10 years from now?” Even when I thought the outcome of this decision would matter 10 years from now, I embraced nothing is permanant. Decisions are reversible. There truly are no “wrong” decisions.
  2. TAP INTO YOUR EMOTIONS — I began to listen to body, and tune into how I felt as I made decisions. I became aware of my emotions, and my intuition. I learned to trust my gut.
  3. DAILY DECISIONS — I began making daily decisions. I became intentional about making decisions faster, instead of over-analyzing every aspect of the decision.
  4. RELEASE PERFECTIONISM — I let go of the need to have everything figured out, perfection. I adopted the mindset the errors make me better. When I make an error, I grow and learn, and errors are part of my growth journey.
  5. TRUST IN MYSELF — I curated a list of all of my accomplishments, everything I could possibly remember. I would review that list often. Many of my accomplishments had long been forgotten with the hustle and bustle of life; however, having this list helped me feel confident and served as a reminder I am capable of making decisions.
  6. NO SECOND GUESSING — I let of the need to review, and over-analyze decisions. I took ownership of my decision, and embraced an “everything works out for me” attitude. I am a recovering perfectionist, with an over-analytical brain. However, these traits were not serving me any longer. When I tendency to rethink or review a decision popped into my mind, I would calm my racing thoughts by stating, “everything works out for me.”

Learning to release the “decision dread” has been a process for me. However, indecision in any area of our life simply stifles our growth, and truly keeps us from living a life we love.

Here are a few questions to help you tackle the “decision dread.”

  • In what areas of your life do you have “decision dread?” In what areas of your life do you make decisions promptly with ease?
  • Think of a really great decision you made. Why was this decision so good?
  • Think of a really poor decision you made. Why was this decision not so good?
  • What’s a big decision you are delaying? Why?
  • What are 5 small decisions you can make today?

You got this!

Big love,





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